Working group on CO2 Storage and MVA

NEWS: Make a contribution

16 November 2016: The CO2 Storage Data Consortium (CSDC) launched  – the CSDC Secretariat will like to have your feedback. To explore questions associated with development of a consortium for international sharing of data from CO2 storage projects CSDC has made a short survey that is now open. Your response will be important for accelerating CCS through targeted research on CO2 storage enabled by data sharing. Respond to the survey by COB 02 December 2016 hereThe CO2 Storage Data Consortium (CSDC) Secretariat can be contacted at <>.


Courtesy: Headspin Communication, Trondheim, Norway

Courtesy: Headspin Communication, Trondheim, Norway

Captured CO2 will have to be stored permanently in deep geologic formations, either beneath land or beneath the sea. The process of CO2 storage involves identification of suitable sites, detailed characterization of the chosen site include risk assessment, preparing for injection, including drilling wells, the injection (operational) period, site closure and post-closure monitoring to ensure the CO2 stays in the reservoir as planned. It is important to document that CO2 behaves as expected during injection and post-closure and document the amount that is permanently stored. For this one needs tools (technology and models) for monitoring, verification and accounting (MVA). The MoU opens for collaboration related to all aspects involved in CO2 storage and MVA, including common field projects and data exchange to learn from past and present projects.

Contact persons are:

USA:          Darin Damiani

Norway:     Kari-Lise Rørvik










Past and present activities are:

  • International CO2 Data Sharing Consortium (CSDC) was initiated at a meeting in Oslo 03 September 2015 and is now established as cooperation between University of Illinois, SINTEF and Statoil, with initial funding from CLIMIT (presented by Philip Ringrose, Statoil, with co-authorsGrethe Tangen, SINTEF and Sallie Greenberg, University of Illinois);

  • LLNL has R&D projects with SINTEF on Well integrity during CO2 injection and Statoil on integration of data from commercial scale demonstrations with state-of-art numerical tools on In Salah and Snøhvit;

  • NORSAR and SINTEF participate in Energy Frontier Research Center
    (EFRC)/Center for Geologic Storage of CO2 (GSCO2), led by Illinois State Geological Survey

  • The University of Illinois, NORSAR and SINTEFplan
    to cooperate on a microseismic monitoring project
    for which funding is under consideration by DOE and CLIMIT.

  • ACT2, 3 &4 Projects