DAY 1: Tuesday, October 31st 

08:30 Overview and the larger picture

Session chairs: Mark Ackiewicz, U.S. Department of Energy, and Åse Slagtern, Research Council of Norway 


08:30 Welcome from USEA hosts

Mark Menezes, United States Energy Association (moved to Day 2, Michael Moore gave a short welcome)

08:35 Opening and U.S. Carbon Management Overview

Brad Crabtree, U.S. Department of Energy

08:50 Norway Carbon Management Status and Overview

William Christensen, Norwegian Ministry of Energy

 09:05 U.S. Updates on Carbon Management Awards, BIL and IRA

Noah Deich, U.S. Department of Energy

Clarification Q&A

09:20 Norwegian activities: brief updates on projects (10 minutes each)

Status of Northern Lights: Børre Jacobsen (online)

Industrial CCS clusters: Recent development capture technology testing: Jørild Svalestuen, Gassnova (online)

New storage R&D projects: Kari-Lise Rørvik, Gassnova

Clarification Q&A

The session gave overviews and updates of activities in the United States and Norway.